Wednesday, 6 March 2013

My "Golden Ticket" Moment

I've just had what I now call my "golden ticket moment".  While working through the mindset questions Erica Douglas set me as part of my personal development course , I found I was eating at least one chocolate bar and drinking one small bottle of coke a day! Now was this to keep me going ? or was it comfort eating / loneliness- or just a treat because I'm working so hard these days ?
Either way I suddenly thought well if that's costing me £3 a day what does that work out a year. On the back of the wrapper I quickly scribbled down my calculations

So on the other side the golden side of the wrapper I wrote the total again to re affirm it to myself .
Then I wrote it on a nice big ticket size piece of pretty gold shiny card so I can pin it up and remember it every time I go to reach for chocolate or fizzy drink

So that's my golden ticket moment ! keep watching to find out where we go and what we get up too !


Erica Douglas said...

Wow. And not only will you be saving money but I expect you will notice increased emotional balance, as you won't have the highs and lows of a sugar rush.

Craftyhobbies said...

its only been a few days but I'm already seeing a change in my emotions and the money is going into my savings pot Erica !