Thursday, 16 May 2013

What Can I Do ?

For a while now I've been running the shop from home as an online business., but I've been making more and more to be creative. So I've started to think if or how I can build my skills into an income stream with the help of my mentor Erica Douglas .

Here's a list of what I consider to be good at, enjoy or I'm passionate about.

1. Any sort of DIY - wallpapering , painting, paint techniques, building shelves ect

2. Revamping old or second hand furniture by upcycling into something new. I even make my own stencils.

4. Anything artistic - pencil drawing , acrylic and water colour painting, mixed media & collage - especially of   flowers and landscapes.

5. Tarrot card reading and spiritual drawing

6. Paper craft - I like to create handmade cards and other things using paper - I like to do this by myself or with my teenage kids . I also enjoyed holding classes for adults and children when I had the shop.

7. Sewing - I love using old denim & other reclaimed fabrics to make into bags and eventually other things.
I can do this happily with or without patterns
I use my small scraps to make flowers and possibly brooches, and I have other ideas to use the even smaller scarps so there will be very little or no waste .

8. Gardening - ever since I was a child we had an allotment and growing my own plants was and still is like watching a miracle happen every time. I believe in using foods and natural remedies to heal and boost myself and my family rather than harsh chemical medicines. I don't use any chemicals in the garden or in the home.
I encourage as much wildlife into the garden as possible by leaving the bugs and wild flowers for the birds and bees.

9. Buying and selling pretty vintage items as they are or by upcycling into something new - this is also something I've done since I was a child which has continued into adult hood with the use of ebay and bootsales. I've never really seen it as an income stream before.

10. Home shopping consultant - I really enjoyed working this way for two companies in the past. I enjoyed working the hours that suited me, meeting new people and selling nice products -  but these companies no longer full fill my personal ethical criteria

From my list I can see that I very much enjoy using creativity as a way of expression and relaxation. I'm willing to make more time to do these things as I also enjoy sharing ideas, holding classes & helping people to find their own creative self !
But to full fill my inner being - my own creativity must be produced using reclaimed or second hand craft materials, be unique, not mass produced and must be made from the heart !

This is the first bag I made from reclaimed denim and fabric - you can view more of my handmade items
on my face book page

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